Here is why… A few years ago, one of my neighbours COLLAPSED. He wasn’t sick, nothing was wrong with him – he just collapsed. In fact; he was the strongest guy I know. But one day he just went stiff …then he started fuming in the mouth – right there on the floor, his body began to jerk violently and his eyes started to roll over. “It Was the Creepiest Thing I Had Ever Seen” Everyone thought he would die. Luckily he didn’t. But something worse happened. After he was revived that day, he woke up with a blank look on his face. He couldn’t recognise his wife or ANY of his kids, and right now he spends his time staring into blank space. …he eats, he walks, he knows his way to the rest room. But he doesn’t speak to anyone and the times he says something it is usually to himself…an inaudible crazy mumbling. Some say he had a spiritual attack, in fact I thought the same thing too. Till his wife told me what really happened. “The Doctor...